
Archive for September, 2006

As many of you know, I have started an Usborne book business.  I need to create a unique domain name and I am stumped.  Does anyone have any creative suggestions as to what it could be?  In case you don’t know what a domain name is, it is a unique set of words that are your web address but also names your business like this one:
You at least get the idea that someone named Julie(wonder who THAT could be …a dear friend!) has some stuff for sale. (and if you go there you will see some pretty wonderful stuff, if you ask me ;o)



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Mystery Hostess show!

Would you like to be a Mystery Hostess?? 

What is a Mystery Hostess?  …What a great question!  Let me share this special information with you!!

Christmas_around_the_worldAll you have to do is go to my Usborne Books site  using this special link, and order books between now and October 10th and…if the sales generated goes over $85.00 your name will be placed in a hat and if I pick your name, YOU will win all of the free hostess books for the show.  I am still in my first 12 weeks as a consultant ~and do you know what that means??!  You win DOUBLE free books.  Let me put it to you this way, I had a show recently that had 5 people ordering from it and the free books generated amounted to a whopping $105.00 worth!!

Advent_nativityPlease use this special link and stock up on some of our wonderful titles for Christmas gifts and books to enhance your current curricula!  Usborne really knows what appeals to children at each age level.  I love how the books draw the children in and make learning fun!  I have lots of personal favorites and I can share that with you if you like!  If you don’t know what to order ~email me!  I will be glad to help you with any questions you do have! 

Please spread the word!  Lets make this party extra fun!

Happy Boookhunting!!

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Donna Marie —

A master blogger

‘How will you be defined in the dictionary?’ at QuizGalaxy.com

hmmmm…that statement is missing something….like "wannabe" or "in her dreams"…LOL
HT to Dawn

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My little sweetie is now 19months old and she loves naming body parts .  She always wants my full undivided attention.  We play this name game at least 10 times a day:
Mothers_joy_sandra_kuck"Ma!  Mamma!"
Yes, that is an eye…
"Ma! Mamma! Ma!"
Yes, that is a cheek…
taking a pudgy finger and pointing over her shoulder
"put it back?"

uum..yes, that is your put-it-back…at least someone is listening!!  LOL

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Feed My Lambs

Feedmylambs I used to pull my hair out trying to get meals together and keep track of the food and make sure things were healthy and that a variety was being served…I think I came up with a few things that work for us….

I know that when I don’t get a jump on the kids in the morning by cooking breakfast, (and I am such a night owl!) they end up tearing the kitchen apart! And they needed a good balanced meal to be useful to me and themselves or I was setting them up for failure. I also knew that there were times I DID NOT have time to cook EVERY meal…drove me nuts! I told my dh that I could be realllly good at 1 thing today and what should it be?? Laundry? School work? Cleaning? I have so many hats to wear and I knew it had to be done and could be done somehow!…If I spend like 15 minutes in the kitchen after the kids go to bed, I am AHEAD the next day, even if the baby keeps me in bed for some extra-long nursing. I always put the command in my head "Feed my lambs" (I try always to put before me that these children belong to God first and I have to be a faithful steward! I try to get that 15 minutes in no matter how tired I am at night.)

That crock pot is really like having an extra hand, but like any good servant, it waits for me to tell it what to do! LOL the same with the dishwasher, the washing machine and the dryer…all my faithful friends!! There is nothing like the feeling of having some of the next day’s work done..I feel like I am setting myself up to succeed instead of setting myself up to fail

We have been using the crock pot for breakfast. The kids’ favorite is what they call oatmeal pudding…basically it’s oatmeal but it softens a lot as it cooks (which is better for you as soaked grains do not have the phytic acid in them making it healthier for you!) You can adapt this for a variety of grains!

We add 1 part old fashioned oats to 2 parts water (somtimes I make this half milk)some butter and a small dollop of honey or pure maple syrup..we add lots of goodies depending on what we feel like…cinnamon, nutmeg, a dash of cloves, vanilla, raisins, dried fruits, chopped apples, pumpkin…whatever you feel like…(the kids love the pumpkin one the best! They call it pumpkin pie oatmeal!) Cook on low overnight…just mix it up after the kids go to bed and turn it on before you go to bed. It is done and ready for you when you wake up…stir and serve! I always wanted someone to make ME breakfast! LOl! And it smells great too!

I also chop some kind of nut and place it on the pizza stone in my oven at night, and just turn it on and toast in the morning (careful it cooks fast)…just till it’s light brown and starts to smell yummy! The kids then sprinkle on top…voila! They are satisfied till lunch!

I am also looking for and fooling around with no/lo sugar muffin recipes. Again, this can be mixed up fast after the kids are in bed! You can place it in the muffin cups and slide the tin into the fridge and first one up slides it into the oven to bake! Serve with tea and fruit and this is what I call my "working breakfast" When we have to get our school work done early, we can munch and learn at the same time!

About once a week I put a huge pot of soup on at lunch time that we take from whenever we need a snack or to supplement any meal….I assign each of the older kids to a cutting board and one to the sink to scrub and it gets done in no time! I had to work smarter…I kept trying to work harder…go figure…

Lunch is usually left overs from dinner…I make homemade pizza dough and I freeze it in rounds. Sometimes we defrost some (take it out at breakfast) and make stuffed pockets with leftovers and fried onions and bake on the pizza stone (golly, I love that stone!) I sometimes will chop the leftovers from any dinner and freeze in zip lock baggies and they are great for fried rice dishes, over pasta or we will make stuffed potatoes etc…I freeze almost all the left overs so I can control their ahem…distribution better. We are getting much better at not wasting food!

Sometimes we just eat a huge salad! We like to throw lots of different ingredients in this too!

DINNER : the stuff to use at lunch!

We cook in bulk and freeze all the time. I only put on the dinner table what I know is reasonable for my family to eat and I carve the meat or divide dishes and freeze in bags for other dinners right away. I don’t do the weekend cooking or the once a month cooking thing, but when I do cook I try to think ahead and make extra that can be used as the base for other meals…this is great for things like homemade tomato sauce! It also helps that we aren’t eating the same thing in different ways three days in a row. ( I figured this out when my dh was starting to gobble… It sure saves on the pocketbook when we have been out all day and need a quick fix meal! -Not to mention that it conrols the mess and I have to think less about meals on any day that I am busy! (Which is every day )It helps to have at least SOMETHING started! I do use large pots but TRY to clean them right away…(i.e. I use one of those two burner skillet deals on the stove to fry up sausage in half the time, and they clean up real fast afterward)…sooo less mess overall in the kitchen during the week.

My dh will often cook a whole loin (beef or pork) on the grill that has been cut into steaks. (Yep! we use the grill year round! It sure helps when your dh loves to play with fire We then freeze in bags and defrost on the stone at 350 and they taste like they just came off. This makes some of the best quick meals on the go! We gave up the microwave years ago and we get along just fine! You should see what I do to a whole chicken…haha…

Oh!   There is so much more, but I think those ideas will best be shared on another day!  God Love you!

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I have been waaay busy lately and I have been thinking of everything I wanted to post as I go along in my day, but so much is happening these days that I forget it very quickly… there is so much activity that I couldn’t possibly write it all down.  It boggles the mind!  I live amidst a 7 ring circus!! …hmm or is that a 9 ring circus….well, anyway…

I finally realized that I can make a "plan" for "school" but the best service I could render myself was to write down what we accomplished rather than what I wanted to accomplish in my plan book.  My plan book is much neater and it looks like we are making steady progress.   I use post-its for "suggestions" for the next day, including any printouts I want made in the glorious quiet time after they go to bed.  Writing it down relieves my heavy brain and helps me hold everything together and keeps the kids on task (especially the Houdini kids ;o)  ~Not to mention less interruptions and better follow-through on my part.  I use a spiral bound notebook for larger random scribbling when inspiration hits.  The only problem is, I have 4 or 5 of these in every corner of the house…

We are easing into our new schedule and I was as pleased as punch yesterday when we finally had a stellar day of school.  I would love more days like those!  We really have to fight for every good moment.  It is hard enough getting the kids into a new schedule and keeping spirits up.  They want to be barefoot and free in the sun!  They love learning for the most part, but it is so hard to compete with the memories of long free summer days.  My Chamomile tea supply is a bit low lately, however…;o)

Part of today I used for me to recoup my thoughts a bit.  I found myself outside scraping paint off of the front stairs and the area around the front door…I am using this non-toxic paint take-it-off-er from Home Depot.  I love this…slop it on, cover it with special paper and scrape it off in a few days.  Today was that scrape it off  day and I had about an hour and a half before it rained and I had an expert helper backing me up.  It was so nice to be able to be quiet and think my own thoughts.  I couldn’t pass up the offer to have this sweet mini version of me working by my side.  She loves to accomplish things.  I am in awe of her stamina.  I NEED more like her!  Covered in muck and overheated I was delighted to hear this:

~"Mommy, I am so glad I am not watching a movie right now.  I mean you can relax and all when it is on, but this is better!"
~Really?  How so?
When you work with your Mom it gives you such a good feeling.  Much better than a movie can.  Besides that it makes God happy. Do you remember the Commandments He made?   I love God more than anyone.  He is the only strong one in the whole world!  And the Blessed Mother,  She is the bestest Mother there is!  Don’t you think so, Mom?"
~stretching backward to relieve the pressure on my back…."yes honey, I really think that too…"
"I love you Mom.  Someday when we both have our children I will come over and help you paint again."

*sniff…does she HAVE-TA grow up?!  Aaah…the way children in love with God can warm the heart and make life seem so much lighter…I feel like I can take on the world!

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Triumph_of_the_holy_cross_ceiling_lady_c_2 Today is the feast of the Exultation (or Triumph) of the Holy Cross and tomorrow is the memorial  of Our Lady of Sorrows….how beautiful the two should be celebrated together on the Church calendar!

Christ Jesus, who, though He was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied Himself, taking the form of a servant, being born in the likenes of men. And being found in human form He humbled Himself and became obedient unto death, even death on a cross.

Therefore God has highly exalted Him and bestowed on Him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

— Philippians 2:5-11

Month_9_sorrowsFlower Symbols of Mary’s Sorrows  

"One plant legend of special relevance to Christ’s Cross is that of
the herb, basil (Ocimum basilicum) which was held to be of such
close association with the Cross that St. Helena was able to find
the location of the True Cross by digging for it under a colony of
basil plants.  We know of the association through St. Helena, but
just what the legend, the "fallen petal", was is not known to us.
Possibly it was one of the plants which was reputed to have sprung
up at the foot of the Cross where Christ’s blood drops or Mary’s
tears fell, as is reported in legends of other plants.  Or it may
have been offered to Christ as a soothing herb.  Another "fallen
petal" is the use of "basilica" as the name for the cross-shaped
floor plans of church  buildings.  Also, from the practice in some
areas of strewing branches of basil before church communion rails,
it came to be known as "Holy Communion Plant"." ~from mgardens.org

Here is a representation of a Sorrowful Mary Garden

"each station is associated with a flower or
flowers whose popular Mary-connection may prompt a devotional
insight into that station’s significance in the saving paschal
mystery of the suffering, death and resurrection of Christ.

Extending the practice of meditating on the Stations of the Cross,
the flower symbols of the Sorrowful Mysteries, planted around the
garden cross, provide a mosaic of meanings for continuing
meditation on the passion of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ."

At Catholic Culture we read :"The Sign of the Cross we make over ourselves before prayer helps to fix our minds and hearts to God. After prayer we make it to keep close to God. During trials and temptations our strength and protection is the Sign of the Cross. At Baptism we are sealed with the Sign of the Cross, signifying the fullness of redemption and that we belong to Christ. Let us look to the cross frequently, and realize that when we make the Sign of the Cross we give our entire self to God — mind, soul, heart, body, will, thoughts."

O cross, you are the glorious sign of victory.
Through your power may we share in the triumph of Christ Jesus.

Stabat_mater_1On the menu today: Hot Cross Buns

For the Liturgical Year Notebook:
Catholic Mosaic: The Tale of Three Trees

Print out and learn these 2 songs:

Lift High the Cross
212 Stabat Maters??
Stabat Mater

google search for crosses with the dc and paste into a Word document collage

also make a notebook sorrowful Mary garden with the appropriate googled clip art flowers surrounding this picture

review the 7 Sorrows of Mary and their Scriptural references

ask the dc if they want to do any other projects based on the above links!

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It is that time of year!

The end of week 2 of school! 

and you know what that means!

…you do, don’t you? 

I want to redo my whole life, but!  before I get started I thougt I had better get things down on paper.  I need to throw away MORE THAN EVER BEFORE!!  YES!  I mean it and if I only had some chocolate, I would be determined AND happy….lol!

I have 1092 sq ft to fit my whole world into…a full basement that is damp and a walk up attic…and a 3 season porch in full view of the world.

please, please send me your tips hints and hugs….and will someone puleeze come over here and help me?  I am sooo tired of being excited to clean on my own….I mean ..ahem…I would like adult company…lol

so what about it?  What things do you have in place in your home that work for you? 

I will try to compile your answers and come up with a blog post or something to  help other organized wanna-be moms that do not want to be buried alive in their homes….

I am thinking…chores, consistency with kids, natural consequences…organization and how to KEEP it…etc….can you help me? 

I figure crawling under my bed sucking my thumb is not a very good alternative so let me try this first….haha! ;o)  jk! 

I am thinking…peaceful home, peaceful mom and dad.  I am sooo tired of pulling everyone to do what they need to…shoes, teeth, laundry, rooms, chores….you name it…they are waiting for me to pull and push…not any more boy!  I have done so much and it is good…but now because of the ages of my kids, it needs to be great!  Now the list will help….I need more of a backbone….lets put our heads together…be outnumbered no more!!  ROFL!

whadda ya say?  …the day in and out…the dawn to dawn nitty gritty….what do YOU have to say?!  Doesn’t anyone else face this too??

I know we have talked about this a bit in the past, but do you have a good perspective that would help others that feel like me feel more like a director of a prepared environment and less like a lion tamer/acrobat/sword swallower extrordinaire!  Share your thoughts!!

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I have to step into my saleswoman shoes for a minute…if you will permit me… 

Usborne has just come out with an incredible package
for September
….You can start your business for only
$25.00 aaand you will receive $25.00 of free additional
books of your choice from me!

502202_1For $25 you get:
~A business start-up kit worth $215.00 total value
($82.70 in great books + $25 in your choice of books +
supplies, website, and more!  See complete details
~Includes 10 Usborne Books (see list below)*
~Includes business supplies
Includes 6 months online store website
Includes 6 months OrderPro (our online ordering system
— no paperwork!)

~And your shipping is FREE

*EXTRA VALUE:  I’ll send you another $25 worth of
books of your choice! 
Just email your list to me once
you order your kit.

*Books included in the kit:
Animal Stencil Book (h)

Big Bug Search (p)

Fox on a Box (p)

Gladiators (h)

Pirates (Beginners, h)

Playtime Baby (board book)

Spooks’ Surprise (p)

That’s Not My Bear (board Book)

Things to Make and Do for Christmas (p)

Under the Ground (h)

513328_1Order your kit today from my site!   

This kit offer is valid only until September 29, 2006
at 11 a.m. Eastern time.

Our company is looking for the biggest month in their
history and they’re giving us incentives and a great
kit to do just that!  The benefit is yours!

Please contact me with any questions you have! I would
love to help you get started!  Even if you just want to sell books to your homeschool shelves.  If you sign up, you can do it for less!

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We live in a smaller home and have to think about space,  the needs and comfort of the individual, and how we can be creative with that space to meet our needs. About a year ago we shocked the salespeople in the furniture store when we asked for three bunk beds and six mattresses…"Would you like to sit down?  How about a cup of coffee…."  LOL…and I kid you not when I say that everything we got that day was very very discounted.  If it were not the case, we never would have been able to afford it!  I love little God-incidences like this!! Woo Hoo!!

Had to buy a NEW bunk bed that would be as safe as we could make it, look open and non confining and would not shake like mad when someone rolled over or …even worse…have the upper mattress fall down on some unsuspecting bunkmate in the middle of the night.  We came up with the Young America collection by Stanley.  As providence would have it, there were two floor models on sale and we were able to order the mate to one of them at a discount as well.  What I love about these sets is the fact that it has a bazillion slats in the bottom of each bunk that are firmly attached on both ends!!

Another consideration we had to face was that we needed dresser drawers that would not fall out and dump clothing on the floor..the worst mess maker ever is a faulty drawer, especially when trying to train a young person to put his/her laundry away.   

Gunne_sax_rose_trellisThe theme for the girls’ room is a Garden of Roses for our Lady…across the beds are Guinne Sax Rose Trellis comforters of rose trellis design of pink cream sage lavender and white….with matching home made accent pillows.The furniture store had this and this(with this) to help out the girls…what was nice about this piece was that when between the bunks, the older girls in the top bunks have an end table for their special treasures!  We found that if we pushed the dresser (with the mirror) in the closet and placed shelves for hanging and basket storage on each side, we made the best use of that space.  The former closet storage shelving was used as monkey bars waaay too often and of course fell apart ;o)  To soften the lines a bit we swagged a pair of sheer white curtains over the closet opening…with some silk roses as tie backs and a trail of a vine on the top, it looks like a very special girls room!  It is painted a sweet pink with white trim with a special paint treatment on the ceiling similar to the one in the boys room….(for that read on!)  They have a white bookcase in the room holding a basket for each one of them and the extra shelves hold favorite books like the Bethlehem books,  My Book House books (a wonderful collection of stories found on ebay !), and Story Library  of the Saints by Joan Windham (oop but look for them!! The 3 hardcover books  are read voraciously by both the boys and girls!…we looove them!)    Around the top of the wall are the art prints from CHC of the Hail Mary. 

Gift_of_the_shepherdThe theme of the boys’ room is heavenly comfort!  The boys have a dresser, and a chest of drawers and three bookcases (all in great condition matching their bunk beds and FREE…another God-incidence!!)  lining the walls…which match this very well!   Instead of being confining in this small room, it is a cozy place to relax and read,  They have shelves for their favorite possessions, a rock collection in a tackle box, a fire engine, air planes and various boy treasures.  Their room is painted a buttery yellow with dark blue star and moon curtains …and…when you look up…(in both rooms) there is a beautiful blue sky with fluffy clouds overhead…it makes the ceiling disappear and it is as if God is looking down on you resting at night.(Thanks to the little woolly kit from Home Depot ;o) CHC’s Our Father prints are across the top of one wall…easily seen from the top bunk as well as an astronomy poster.  Our Lady of Grace is atop one of the bookcases keeping close watch on my precious sons. And this picture, (The Gift of the Shepherd) is on the wall…it reminds me of the many days the boys spent picking dandelions for their earthly mom as well as filling many vases for their heavenly mother.  All of my children love the image of the Good Shepherd and this is a sweet reminder for the boys as well. 

Now that the scene has been set for them, we are learning to use it without having it be overwhelming.  Toys are kept in another part of the house.   The only exception to this is a FEW special things that have a place.  The girls have a few dolls and a drawer for doll clothing.  The boys have a few of their latest interests (like the tackle box type thing with rocks) and a model airplane…anything easily stored on the shelves.  If the shelves get full or it gets dumped on the floor, it won’t work.  It has to mean something to you to be in your room.  If you outgrow it or don’t want to care for it, it gets a new home in the house or is passed on to someone who will.  The kids made up these rules after being tired of cleaning all the time.  It means more when it comes from them.  The same thing goes for stuffed animals…we keep the ones we care about…the ones that are REAL!  The others we round up and give to a local shelter.  This is also a kid choice…it is much easier to say goodbye if you know someone else will love what you are giving up!

I constantly purge the laundry for excess things and clothing that has holes and such.  The sheets are kept to a minimum too…there is a drawer or shelf in each room that has an extra set of sheets.  When the bed linens are changed, the new one goes on right away and the old set is put into the waiting washer right away….it saves on the sheets that don’t make it back…haha!  We keep it simple…fitted sheets in one pile, flat sheets in another and pillowcases (there are extras of these) in another.  We keep these linens and such in good shape too…old ones are put in a pile for dress up or in the in case of emergency container…if you ever had a run of killer flu, you know what I mean when I say it pays to be prepared!

Every Christmas they get something new for their room…a set of sheets each or a new blanket for the bed or a new pillow.  I love wrapping them too…I line them up on the couch wrapped in special wire ribbon that I reuse for this purpose every year.  Yes, you are a simple people when you get joy out of "little" things like this! 

Clothing is kept simple too.  The kids looove turtlenecks and sweats and sweatshirts in the cooler months as a staple for their fashions…they go well with other things too!  They switch to T-shirts and sweat shorts in the warmer months…they are always comfy and they love it….so I don’t fight it!  When selecting clothing, it is wash and wear…no dry clean products, nothing that has to be super fussy before you can wear it.  For this reason the girls love jumpers and the boys love their rugby shirts and dockers for church clothes.  We don’t have a lot of clothing storage, so why keep clothing in the drawers that they will never wear? 

The kids are doing their own laundry so I want to keep the rules simple while they learn too! 
We divide laundry days by room.  We do all the linens on Saturday mornings first thing!  Rooms are then dusted and straightened and we hit the rest of the house.  The goal is to be done before confessions and ready for FAMILY NIGHT Food and Fun!  on Saturday nights where we all make a special effort to be together!

Are we perfect at this?!!  Noooooo!  But we have a system in the process of being more user friendly.  Sometimes the rooms blow up, but take heart!  We know HOW to put it back together…always tweaking the plan, always looking to make the rooms nice to look at, easy to use and fun to be in…a personal space that is growing with them. ( sniff…say they will always be around me!)  I want to make the most of the precious time we have together, give them their special spaces  and I want them to OWN the skills we need to be a functional family-centered family both now and when they are off to start their own….

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